Sunday, November 23, 2014


with flo we released f:unboxing
got 3rd

myself i had this photo in the compo

was 4th


my soul hurts but it's ok, it's novembre now.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Taivas on myrskyjen vallitsema
Suunnattomat pilvet estävät näkömme
Vaikka meitä kärsimys ja kuolema vaanivat
Vihollista vastaan kutsuu velvollisuus.

Vapaus on kaikkein arvokkain
Sitä on puolustettava uskolla ja rohkeudella
Vallankumouksen lipun alla
Kansa edistyy vapautumiseensa.

Barrikadeihin Barrikadeihin
Liiton voiton Vuoksi.

Friday, August 8, 2014

being lazy updating

käsitekesä exhibition is still running until the end of the month
my work "I hope we burn up in the wreckage Rather than live another day In vain in a world
without frontiers" is there and it's maybe semi ok.
go and check it out

i did a performance there but no need to advertize as it's already gone

part of that work might go somewhere during the fall, i might advertize here if i remember.

we did a demo with flo and won stream
youtube link some day will you have maybe.

f absinth = future